When you run a small business you have to acknowledge the small wins. Whether it be your first sale, first review, first email newsletter- these small things help us grow and reach great achievements down the track.
Well, we finally made it down the track and we are now up to our very first large victory – we worked with an influencer!
Matt Zukowski was the runner up on Love Island Australia and has ever since been an influential socialite on social media - with a whopping 114 thousand followers on Instagram.Working with Matt was a seamless experience for both teams and we now carry a strong relationship.
When we look back on the financial year we cannot believe we are now in a spot where working with influencers is on the cards and will be for the foreseeable future. We are so proud of being where we are today and a big part that is because of you guys so thankyou (so so so much!!)
Stay tuned to see what we do next,
Love, THP