Things to do in Summer in Melbourne
A bit of a short and sharp one this week where we can outline some of the things that Melbourne has to offer all of us. .
Whether you’re coming down to Melbourne over the summer or just wanting to explore the great city you live in, we have you covered with this addition of our weekly blog!
Summer in Australia spans from December – February and we see temperatures soar to 40 degrees (in some states and territories) and those with daylight saving enjoy much later nights out enjoying the sun. It took us quite a while to pinpoint our favourite summer activities in Melbourne but without further a due here are our top 3!
- Spending the day at the Australian Open
Starting at $19 a ticket this fantastic sporting event is a ‘must’ this summer. The ‘AO’ takes place between the 16th to 23rd of Jan and you can book online now!
- Go for a surf
Whether you decide to head down to Torquay surf beach or go to URBNSURF Melbourne has great beaches and great waves. URBNSURF will promise you waves as they are manufactured and our beaches promise you great views and sand between your toes.
- Go to the Summer Night Market or visit the Queen Vic Market any/every other day
I mean of course we had to give the QVM a plug – that’s where we sell our amazing range of hats! But honestly there is no atmosphere like the Queen Vic Market. The summer night markets mean that we have extended trade on Wednesdays which is perfect for those of you who will stop by after work or those of you who just want a nice dinner!