The History of Boxing Day

Well, it’s officially that time of year again.

If you’re heading off to the supermarket today to grab some last-minute goodies for your Christmas breakfast/lunch/dinner we wish you good luck – because we know how packed the shops are going to be.

One thing we didn’t learn until recently was the history behind boxing day and the big sales rush so we thought we would take the chance to highlight to you. It is believed this global shopping trend originated in the 1800’s in the United Kingdom. In a time where there was supposedly a greater margin between the rich and the poor, some of the rich would give thanks to the poor on boxing day (after working as servants on Christmas day) and gift them with a box of Christmas leftovers, money and sometimes gifts).

From there the servants could go fourth and share it with their loved ones too. Various churches in that time had a role to play as well through the donation of money into boxes on Christmas and handing it to those less fortunate on boxing day.